Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes accounts for seven in 10 deaths in Orange County. Prevention and management of conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure are key to decreasing illness and death due to these conditions.

Adults Who are Obese

Why is this important?

The percentage of obese adults is an indicator of the overall health and lifestyle of a community. Obesity increases the risk of many diseases and health conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, hypertension, stroke, liver and gallbladder disease, respiratory problems, and osteoarthritis. Being obese also carries significant economic costs due to increased health care spending and lost earnings. Obesity is the second leading preventable cause of death in the United States.

  • Percentage of Adults Who Are Obese

    Orange County
  • 27.9%
  • 32.1%
    The United States of America

Adults Who Are Obese (measurement period: 2005-2019)
Orange County

Adults Who Are Obese by Age (2019)
Orange County

Overweight or Obese, Adults, by Race/Ethnicity

  Orange County California
Black/African American 44.1%* 65.9%
White 56.8% 57.6%
Latino 61.8% 72.8%
Asian 26.1% 36.5%
Total Adult Population 52.2% 59.6%
*Statistically unstable

5th Grade Students Who Are Obese

Why is this important?

Since 1980, obesity has more than tripled among U.S. children, though levels have recently stabilized in certain groups. Obese children are at heightened risk for hypertension, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, respiratory ailments, psychological stress, and lower quality of life. Approximately 80% of teens remain obese into adulthood. If chronically obese, there is an increased risk for heart disease, certain cancers, stroke, depression and a number of other significant health problems in adulthood.

In 2018, almost 19% of 5th grade students were obese in Orange County compared to over 21 % of California 5th graders and relatively on par with national averages. Obese 5th graders are more likely to come from economically disadvantaged homes compared to children of normal weight.

  • Percentage of 5th Grade Students Who Are Obese

    Orange County
  • 21.3%
  • 18.0%
    The United States of America

5th Grade Students Who Are Obese (measurement period: 2013-2018)
Orange County

5th Grade Students Who Are Obese by Disadvantaged Status (2017-2018)
Orange County

Adults with Diabetes

Why is this important?

Diabetes is a leading cause of death in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2020), more than 25 million people have diabetes, including both diagnosed and undiagnosed cases. Diabetes can have a harmful effect on most of the organ systems in the human body; it is a frequent cause of end-stage renal disease, non-traumatic lower-extremity amputation, and a leading cause of blindness among working age adults. Persons with diabetes are also at increased risk for ischemic heart disease, neuropathy, and stroke. According to the CDC, the direct medical expenditures attributable to diabetes are over $116 billion annually. Diabetes disproportionately affects minority populations and the elderly, and its incidence is likely to increase as minority populations grow and the U.S. population ages.

  • Percentage of Adults With Diabetes

    Orange County
  • 10.0%
  • 10.7%
    The United States of America

Adults with Diabetes (measurement period: 2005-2019)
Orange County

Adults with Diabetes by Age (2018-2019)
Orange County

In 2018-2019, older adults were significantly more likely to have diabetes (17.3%) than other age groups. Adults in the youngest age group (25-44) were significantly less likely to be diabetic.